Here’s how to create an Ideal Scholarship Application!

One of the best ways to pay for the higher education abroad is via international scholarships. Over thousands of students apply for these scholarships every year but only a handful become lucky to get it. Pursuing higher education from an overseas university can be an expensive affair and not everyone can afford it. Here’s when the scholarships come into the picture.

International scholarships can cover up to 100% of the overseas education amount but they are quite competitive. So, what’s the secret to get it and reduce your overseas education loan burden? A well-written scholarship application!
Right from educational institutions and government to NGOs and MNCs, there are multiple organizations that offer scholarships to study abroad for Indian students. But what makes difference is your scholarship application. Read on to know some remarkable tips that will help you in presenting your international scholarship on point.

5 Tips to Make Your Scholarship Application Stand Out:

  1. Do Your Homework
    After browsing through hundreds of scholarships, you might have finalized few scholarships that you are eligible to apply for. Majority of the these are named after the inspiring individuals, organizations, or some significant event from the history, know and educate yourself about the same. While drafting your scholarship application, highlight the aspect that is relevant and of significance to you. It will make your application Unique.
  2. Be Personal and Passionate
    Include your personal experiences, feeling, stories and share why are you choosing to apply for that program or the university. Maybe you decided to work in healthcare because you lost your parent to illness or maybe you want to pursue journalism because you want to dig out the truth. Focus on how the hardship and challenges in life shaped you into the person that you are today. Make your essay personal and passionate.
  3. Choose your References Wisely
    References plays a crucial role in a scholarship application form so be mindful while choosing your references. It is very important that the person you are going to ask for the recommendation should be reliable and in the position of authority. Their testimony to your application should be positive, impactful and must crease a weightage to your scholarship application. Make sure to request for the letters of recommendation at least 4 weeks in advance.
  4. Present Yourself Professionally
    Make sure that you are paying attention to the tone communicated in your essay. For an instance, an ideal essay will be the one speaking to a professional in a formal setting. Usage of text abbreviations, slang language, shortcuts is a big no. So, make sure that your professionalism should reflect through your application.
  5. Check and Recheck!
    Once you are done with filling your application and attaching the required documents, proofread and check for typos or any other errors. Get it reviewed from a senior or someone who is aware about the scholarship application process. Once you are one hundred percent sure about the data that you have filled, send it to the scholarship committee right away and wait for the results.
    A scholarship application can be a game changer. Be it Indian Government scholarships for studying abroad or the university scholarships, remember to follow the aforesaid tips to make your application stand out from the rest. So, what are you waiting for? Short-list the suitable scholarships and start applying NOW.

Published by ritabiswas1

I am an Overseas Education Loan Advisors working with the leading Study Abroad Consultant. We help all the student to plan their higher studies abroad along with the details of funding options for overseas education loan.

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